China remains a key engine of global growth. But Germany is strong enough to act in accordance with its values. It does not need to overlook serious Chinese transgressions to safeguard economic interests. Germany should leverage its influence and reduce its vulnerability to Chinese threats.

Strategic Intervention Paper (SIP) by Holger Schmieding

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Deutschlandfunk-Interview mit Holger Schmieding

Handelsblatt-Gastkommentar von Holger Schmieding

  • Our work is dedicated to advancing democratic openness and accountability, equitable and environmentally sustainable economic growth, as well as values-based global cooperation
  • The mission of the Global Ideas Center is to act as a catalyst to help solve real problems which countries and societies face via “The Power of Comparisons”
  • “Strategic Intervention Papers” (SIPs) are the flagship publication of the Global Ideas Center. Ultimately, their goal is to assist countries in a better and more honest form of self-comprehension


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